The Rochester Years

Abe, friends and dog, ca. 1914Little Abe, ca. 1915Abe in beanie, ca. 1916Little Abe at home, ca. 1916Abe in overalls, ca. 1917Abe with dog, ca. 1918Abie C. with Haskell and Teddy at Lake Seneca, 1919

Abe in knickers, ca. 1920Abe in the snow, 1/25/20Abe the paper boyAbe, Norman and Zayde CohenAbe in high schoolAbe's high school graduation photoBernice, the flapper, with Abe

Abe in 1930Abe and Bernice at the beachAbe at the beachAbe at the beachAbe at the YMHA Camp, 1938Abe in UniformJacob (Zayde) Cohen

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